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Meet the Team


José Paiva

Founder and President

For those who have been involved in the education and training of young people all their lives, this passion for wine is another form of culture.

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Vanda Paz Paiva

Manager and Oenologist

Engª Vanda Paiva has a degree in food engineering and a master in food prevention and control systems, specializing in wine science and technology.

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Teresa Nicolau

Oenologist and Quality Controller

Engª. Maria Caeiro is a Master in Food Engineering .

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Felix Morais

Customer Manager

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Emilia Fera

Customer Manager

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Maria Caeiro

Oenologist and

Quality Manager

Engª. Maria Caeiro is a Master in Food Engineering .

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Carmen Landing


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Ana Pereira

Customer Manager



Herdade Canal Caveira

The HCC team is made up of 14 permanent employees, who are largely responsible for the quality of the wines produced, to whom the Paiva family thanks the high commitment revealed daily.

They are partners of the company; José Paiva, Helena Paiva, Vanda Paiva and Nuno Paiva.

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